Popping the Question? How to Select an Engagement Ring


“Will you marry me?” Be sure to pair these four little words with the perfect engagement ring. While there’s a bit of a learning curve when it comes to selecting the right diamond, the most important thing you can do is find a piece both you and your significant other will love.

That said, don’t let the business of choosing an engagement ring be a source of stress at this exciting time in your life. With a bit of knowledge, you can make the right selection with confidence. Consider the following.

• Consult with the leading authority: Be sure your diamond is Gemological Institute of America (GIA)-certified. Established in 1931, GIA is the world’s foremost authority on diamonds, colored stones and pearls. A public benefit, nonprofit institute, GIA is the leading source of knowledge, standards and education in gems and jewelry.

• Four Cs: Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so make your decision based on what looks most beautiful to you, however, knowing more about the four Cs – that is the cut, color, clarity and carat – of a diamond, can help you make a selection wisely. Created by the GIA, the four Cs are the global standard for assessing the quality of diamonds, allowing you to compare one diamond to another, which is extremely helpful in determining whether you are getting a fair price.

The cut is what gives a diamond its brilliance and sparkle, so this is an important factor. As far as color is concerned, the less color the better — tinting is indicative of a lower quality diamond. Clarity refers to a diamond’s relative flawlessness — blemishes are a mark against a diamond. Lastly, carat measures the weight of the diamond.

Be sure to view the GIA grading report specifying the exact quality of an individual diamond when making a decision.

• Design your own engagement ring with the help of an expert: An engagement ring is one of the most meaningful items you will ever purchase. So, why opt for the style everyone else is wearing? Consider working with a jeweler that specializes in bespoke engagement rings and quality diamonds, such as Enchanted Diamonds. With experience spanning generations, the family-owned and operated jeweler will work with you to custom create a ring for your unique specifications.

“You’re not just buying another mass-produced commodity, you’re commissioning a work of art,” says Joshua Niamehr, founder and CEO of Enchanted Diamonds.

• Shop online: Gaining access to a large selection of diamonds can be difficult when shopping at a brick-and-mortar store close to home. Consider shopping online for access to a larger and better selection of diamonds, including those found in New York City’s world-renowned diamond district. Doing so will give you a greater opportunity to find the perfect fit for your unique needs, style and budget without ever having to leave your home.

Before getting down on one knee, do your research. There’s a perfect engagement ring for every couple. Finding it just requires a little bit of legwork.


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