Arts & Culture

Pond Slimes, Foams, and “Sheens”

Ponds can be a complex ecosystem. Certainly its an system that we can’t figure out (many times) by simply looking at the surface of...

Georgia-Pacific Partners with Habitat to Build New Homes in Huntington

Georgia-Pacific is partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Angelina County (HFHAC) to help build new homes in the City of Huntington for two local...

Getting Rid of Tough Weeds in San Augustine Lawns

San Augustine turfgrass is known for being a rather difficult lawn to work with. From an online meeting that I was having several days...

Identifying and Dealing with Lawn Insects

I am not the guy that fusses over his lawn. As long as it is short and green and relatively free from pests, then...

The Power to Help Students Achieve Academic Success

As students head back to class this Fall, the Boys and Girls Club of Deep East Texas and Georgia-Pacific are teaming up to make...

